I know it's been a while since my last post. This was a busy week and I need to fill you in on some things.
Well, I wanted to start off first with what happened to me at the doctor's office. I had an appointment at 2:00pm, we arrive around 1:45pm and Leland was with me. However I made sure to feed him ahead of time so he won't get hungry or fussy. There's one thing about my son, he will smile and laugh with you all day, but fail to feed him on time or whether he's hungry, well you got one mean, grumpy gill! Luckily, the waiting room was almost empty, maybe 2 people there. Anywho, Leland was doing great! Lots of Coo-ing and playing. I guess the doctor was running behind on things (I don't know how considering there was barely anyone there) anyways, let's not get off track lol. I happened to only bring one toy for him and clearly he was bored of it because he started to get very fussy. As a mother you learn your childs cries to a T. Theres a type of Cry for hunger, one for sleepy, one for poopy and so forth. This Cry...was hungry!! not just hungry more like Starving. lol He wanted food ASAP! Not a problem Leland, Good thing about being a mommy is we have "leche" everywhere we go. Nice and warm and in the perfect bottle. :) Now, I don't have a problem with feeding my son in public & neither does my husband. As long as I cover up. They make nursing covers or even a large recieving blanket for these type of incidents. As I'm getting myself ready, 1 couple appear, 2 couples...5 couples! OK! WHOA!! Why the world does everyone need to NOW show up?
Again, I don't have a problem feeding Leland, but, as a new mom I do get a little shy sometimes. It's a new thing for me. That won't stop me though. Either way everyone is doing their own thing in the waiting room.
Leland is a happy camper now. He has his "leche". While I'm Breast-feeding, me and my mother start to talk. Gradually, People start to realize I'm feeding my son. Is it really such a bad thing to do in public? Breast-feeding is legal in many states, Florida being one of them. If you where hungry, would you not want to grab something to eat? or do you need to hide in the bathroom so No-one see's you? Of course not! My son's way of eating happens to be through me.
There was this one lady who would not stop looking at me. I find it rude but, it's no surprise to me because breast-feeding is no longer AS common as it once was. In fact, Homesexuality is more common along-side Teen Pregnancy then breastfeeding. People no longer stare or surprised at these things because it has been acustomed to their lifestlyes.
Even the front desk Receptionist was dazed. Hello, We are in an OB/GYN office.
Some moms I've come to know, wanted to breastfeed but never recieved the support or help. It takes a lot of work and dedication. I wish there was a bigger support team or group out there for young mommies with breastfeeding.
Anywho, Leland was happy after his feeding and all I did was have a huge smile :) on my face because I was a Proud mommy who just fed her son. There is nothing better in knowing that your children are well taken care of regarless of who's looking or pointing or ect.
I rest my case!
Sasha & Leland.
At the doctors office. (i look a little crazy btw!) |
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