Thursday, March 8, 2012

Baby Bullet Review.

Hello lovelies,

Hope everyone had a good start to their march month. I know we have! We pressed play and will be doing the p90x challenge. Posting pics of our journey later on.

I would like to shout out a dear friend who was blessed with a beautiful baby boy this month. Mia Congrats on baby Cruze!! Can't wait to meet him!

Ok, back to my review.

I was fortunate to have 2 baby showers and my second shower a dear friend purchased us the baby bullet.
That was the first day I had even heard of such blender.
Anyways, I read everything and started to get stoked about preparing Leland's baby purees.
I didn't begin to introduce purees till about 6 months. And it's still to this day an occasional thing when I give him purees.
But finally the 6 month mark came and we decided to give it a try.
Our first choice of meal, yellow squash!
(I don't own a steamer, so I boiled it.)

It was quick and easy, and yummy according to Leland. :)


1) small size and convenient.
2) takes no longer than 10 min including prep time. 
3) comes with jars and storage for extra.
4) easy to store.
5) it's the best way to provide for your lil ones.


1) Haven't come around one yet. 

Therefore, My ratings for baby bullet is **** 4 stars!

This makes a great gift.However, It is slightly pricey for something so small. That's why I would only suggest to purchase this if you feel confident they will use it. It's not for everybody. There are some who are given baby food through some Programs. WIC for example.

We Recieve WIC and we just give it away to a mommy program in need.

Just a note: "food before 1,is just for fun!"

Leland only eats puree once in a blue moon.His majority is just Breast-milk.
I would say we give him puree about 2-3x a week, sometimes just 1. 
He has interest but not where it needs to be 3x a day with diffrent types of food. Not trying to ruin his digestive system. 

hope you enjoyed. Bottom is a show on how I did sweet potatoe.  



My kit!

comes with a guide book, here is sweet potatoe

peel off skin before boiling

I cut them in pieces to make it easier to blend

after boiling with 1 cup of water

10 sec later


baby jars :)

freeze the left overs

store! YUMMY


Friday, February 17, 2012

Real Men Wear Babies!!

Hello Loves,

I finally Got my husband to wear Leland!! It's time for a celebration.
Why is it that men think it's not manly to do so? Or, only the mothers should. Seriously?

I have 3 different wraps/carriers. Maya wrap, EZ sling and the Bjorn. All 3 I love.
Chris supports me with baby wearing, but when I ask him to try, he gets scared.
"No, that's for girls." Hahaha...uhmm..actually it's not.

So, I gathered my info and of course pics to show him. First article I showed him was Skin to skin is very nurturing for the children.
My second article was Famous People do it too. I showed him pictures of Brad Pitt, David Beckham. He tells me, "of course THEY can do it, Their HOT!
**Hunny, I think your hot!! Rarrr**

But, on a serious note. I know it's not for everyone. But if you actually look at the benefits of baby wearing you might be surprised on how it can help with even physical develepment for both you and the child. Baby Wearing isn't just for Village people or hippies, It's for the everyday mother and father. They are used to make our lives alot less complicated. Like it's not complicated enough.

For Me, I work 25-30 hrs a week. I also attend My Spiritual meetings 2x a week as well as preach. Sometimes I go to the gym or run errands and so forth. You get the idea. We are busy People nowadays.

Benefits from Baby wearing:

Wearing is Convenient.
We can walk around feely, not feeling overwhelmed with a huge stroller or carrier. Why the extra baggage? I know for me, doing house chores wearing Leland has helped me alot. I can get things done a lot faster with him on me than him sometimes being fussy because he doesn't have anyone to play with. **Do not Cook with a baby!!**
If breastfeeding, easy and discreet way to feed baby. :)

Promotes Physical Develepment.
Did you know?
The Child is in tune with the rhythm of mother/father breathing. They can hear our heartbeat. They feel Safe and secure. By watching us move around and do everyday things, this will help the baby regulate his own physical responses. While other devices, such as swings and so forth can not.

Happier Baby.
Studies show that by carrying a baby they will be less fussy and crying. In other regions of the world, it is uncommon that a baby is not being worn. In fact, the only time babies are put down is to sleep. If the mother needs to do her personal needs she will pass the baby to other arms. For them crying for several minutes is frown upon. But for us it's ok to leave the babies to cry. Ever heard the saying, "crying is good, it expands their lungs." Do you like crying for a long period of time? I know I sure don't.
Babies who don't need to spend their energy crying, spend it grasping their surroundings they are being exposed too.

A healthy you. 
Walking at least 30 minutes a day is very beneficial. It can get difficult when your a mother, especially a new mother who is new to the ropes. For me I still find myself juggling to find the right routine and now I need to try to fit in there excersize to keep myself healthy. But, it becomes a pain to bring the carseat, to hook up the carseat to stroller, and ect.
I wear Leland to the grocery store while doing shopping, to meetings, and ect. Not only am I getting my walk on, I have a weight. Leland is a chubby boy.

& last but not least...
Who doesn't like to cuddle up with their wittle ones. Soon enough their not going to want to be held or kissed. We need to cherish all the moments with a children!  I know I do, Every little thing and sound Leland makes I make sure to record it or save it. My phone and camera is attached to my hip.

I Hope this changed your view on babywearing and maybe encourage you to at least give wearing a try.

Would love to some pics.


Momma Sasha .

Leland only several weeks old. (EZ sling)

After this picture he fell right to sleep. (EZ sling)

Leland about 1 month old. Kangaroo Style (EZ Sling)

A very sleepy Leland. 5 Months. (Baby Bjorn)

Daddy & Leland at the waterfront in Sanford. (Baby Bjorn)

Great carrier for men who don't really feel that the wraps are secure enough. (Baby Bjorn)

Happy Leland

Proud Daddy

First time I wore Boo. (EZ Sling)

Oh yeah! in HEELS Baby!! (EZ SLing)

Leland Hangin' around. (Baby Bjorn)

Momma & Baby Leland <3

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Public vs. Breastfeeding

Hey guys,
I know it's been a while since my last post. This was a busy week and I need to fill you in on some things.
Well, I wanted to start off first with what happened to me at the doctor's office. I had an appointment at 2:00pm, we arrive around 1:45pm and Leland was with me. However I made sure to feed him ahead of time so he won't get hungry or fussy. There's one thing about my son, he will smile and laugh with you all day, but fail to feed him on time or whether he's hungry, well you got one mean, grumpy gill! Luckily, the waiting room was almost empty, maybe 2 people there. Anywho, Leland was doing great! Lots of Coo-ing and playing. I guess the doctor was running behind on things (I don't know how considering there was barely anyone there) anyways, let's not get off track lol. I happened to only bring one toy for him and clearly he was bored of it because he started to get very fussy. As a mother you learn your childs cries to a T. Theres a  type of Cry for hunger, one for sleepy, one for poopy and so forth. This Cry...was hungry!! not just hungry more like Starving. lol He wanted food ASAP! Not a problem Leland, Good thing about being a mommy is we have "leche" everywhere we go. Nice and warm and in the perfect bottle. :) Now, I don't have a problem with feeding my son in public & neither does my husband. As long as I cover up. They make nursing covers or even a large recieving blanket for these type of incidents. As I'm getting myself ready, 1 couple appear, 2 couples...5 couples! OK! WHOA!! Why the world does everyone need to NOW show up?

Again, I don't have a problem feeding Leland, but, as a new mom I do get a little shy sometimes. It's a new thing for me. That won't stop me though.  Either way everyone is doing their own thing in the waiting room.

Leland is a happy camper now. He has his "leche". While I'm Breast-feeding, me and my mother start to talk. Gradually, People start to realize I'm feeding my son. Is it really such a bad thing to do in public? Breast-feeding is legal in many states, Florida being one of them. If you where hungry, would you not want to grab something to eat? or do you need to hide in the bathroom so No-one see's you? Of course not! My son's way of eating happens to be through me.
There was this one lady who would not stop looking at me. I find it rude but, it's no surprise to me because breast-feeding is no longer AS common as it once was. In fact, Homesexuality is more common along-side Teen Pregnancy then breastfeeding. People no longer stare or surprised at these things because it has been acustomed to their lifestlyes.
Even the front desk Receptionist was dazed. Hello, We are in an OB/GYN office.

Some moms I've come to know, wanted to breastfeed but never recieved the support or help. It takes a lot of work and dedication. I wish there was a bigger support team or group out there for young mommies with breastfeeding.

Anywho, Leland was happy after his feeding and all I did was have a huge smile :) on my face because I was a Proud mommy who just fed her son. There is nothing better in knowing that your children are well taken care of regarless of who's looking or pointing or ect.

I rest my case!


Sasha & Leland.

At the doctors office.
(i look a little crazy btw!)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

One of Dem' Days.

I'm Pretty sure I don't suffer From post partum depression, but, I get my moments. This week has been my longest week of feeling down. All  I seem to think about is my Cesarean. I wanted to birth leland Vaginally so bad. I feel like I was robbed. I notice The way leland is with his father and the way he is with me. He is so different. If he's fussy with me, he's not with his father. I can do some things and he might not like it, but if his father does the same exact thing he is loving it. Now, I know I shouldn't be over reacting, but, I'm a firm believer that first contact is VERY IMPORTANT.! My husband was the first to hold leland and introduce himself. Although, I gave him a kiss and told him I'm Momma, I was so drugged up and loopy that I barely remember that. When I was then rolled out the room, my first question to the doctor was "can i breast-feed my son?" Thinking Ok, here's my chance to have skin to skin with him. Well, I couldn't do that either, due to him having low sugars and formula needed to be given immediately. I didn't get to actually hold my son to probably the next morning where all the drugs where worn off.  Those moments I had pictured never came true. And now i Feel like leland rather be with his poppa than me more.
If we ever decided to grow our family, I wont be able to deliver vaginally, EVER! It really bothers me, because to me that is one of the most important things in becoming a mother. My belief. Some people like to plan ahead and schedule C-Sections ect. to each its own, but, for me I wanted to feel that relief of a child coming out. I was able to feel the contractions and Ect for a while, but never that relief. and I wanted that!!
What's also making me a little flustered is the fact that My days are always planned around baby. I can't seem to have a minute to myself. I recently just joined a gym and have yet to go. I'm so eager to get my body back in shape and at least looking ready for the beach this summer. But, it seems to me that day will never come. I go walking with Boo and We do morning jumping jacks but, I want to go to regular classes. Basically, what i need is a couple hours to myself. No husband, no Leland, no job, no stress. After leland was born I was re admitted for post hypetension. And since I've been so stressed I can feel my pressure rising.
If I would of made a wise decision with going with an OB instead of a midwife maybe this chain of bad things would of never happened. Everyone tells me this fluster-ness is all normal, I'm a first time mom, It will take time. I can understand that, but for me it won't. I will never be able to deliver a child vaginally again. That bothers me. I feel different from other mommies who have delivered normally. I can't find a connection.

P.s- One thing I am Grateful for, Is breast-feeding. Leland loves his momma's che-che's! :)
I will blog about that next time. Breast-feeding Leland. That always seem's to put a smile on my face.



Morning Love <3

Watching Football. Such a Daddy's Boy

Fell asleep on Daddy